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Contact us

Welcome to the contact service of RC Celta’s Centenary, a way of direct communication channel with subscribers and fans, in order to solve doubts and resolve incidents in an agile, direct and efficent way.

For it, we offer you this questionaire with the commitment to offer you answer in a maximum term of three working days. We inform you that we will respond to your queries as soon as they arrive through this questionnaire. Please do not reply to our e-mails, as your reply will not be answered.

If you are still unsure about your query, please, write again throught this questionnaire.

Contact information

Our sponsors


    The person responsible for the data protection of users who send their information through this form is COMPANY We collect the data from this form in order to respond to the request for information by part of the users. If there is any personal information that you do not want known, we recommend not including it in this form. The main legitimacy is the consent of the person concerned.
    The recipients of this data are the members of the COMPANY team. If you include your email address in the data you provide us, you can request that we send you a copy of the message that will reach us.

    I have read and accept the Legal Notice and the Privacy Policy.